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Connecting to your SMB Gateway#

SMB gateways are an optional, for-fee service for Oak spaces available upon request.

For the latest pricing information, please see our rates page. To order a gateway for your Oak space, use our Oak order form.


Before beginning, please note the following:

  • Oak Gateways are only available from the Stanford VPN. Wired network connections from the Stanford administrative network are exempt from VPN restrictions. Campus wireless connections still require the use of the Stanford VPN.

  • Only members of the oak:$GROUPNAME workgroup can access your Oak space and gateway.

  • Administrators of the workgroup oak:$GROUPNAME can manage workgroup membership from Stanford Workgroup Manager.

What is my SMB Gateway's Network Address?#

To determine the URL of your SMB Gateway, you may use the web form or table below.

What is my SMB Gateway's Network Address?

The network address of an SMB gateway will vary depending on the type of Oak filespace you have. Using the table below, you can determine the network address of your SMB gateway and substitute it in the examples below.

Space Type Example Path SMB Gateway Address
group /oak/stanford/groups/ruthm
project /oak/stanford/projects/demo
org /oak/stanford/orgs/kipac
school /oak/stanford/schools/ees

Mounting Your Gateway#


  • Map a network drive using the following address: \\smb-$\$SPACETYPE\$GROUPNAME


  • Use Finder to connect to a server (Command-K) and enter the following URL: smb://smb-$$SPACETYPE/$GROUPNAME

"What Username and Password should I use?"

On Windows and macOS, please use as your username (not just SUNetID) and use your SUNet ID password for the password field.


  • We maintain a separate page with detailed information on mounting Oak from Linux in our Advanced Topics section.


If you're having issues connecting to your SMB Gateway, here are a few things to double check:

  • Are you connected to the Stanford VPN?
    • The Stanford VPN is required unless you are using a wired, on-campus network connection with a static IP address.
  • On Windows and macOS, please use as your username (not just SUNetID). Use your SUNet ID password for the password field.
  • Stanford-specific Kerberos configuration might also be needed on your workstation. On Windows, you can use the following commands as an administrator from a Windows command prompt:

    ksetup /addkdc
    ksetup /addhosttorealmmap
  • Alternatively, you may need to install Stanford Kerberos.

    • If you need assistance configuring Kerberos on your computer, we recommend consulting with your local IT support.
  • If you see an error that says "There was a problem connecting to the server" on macOS or on Windows 10 and 11, "Windows cannot access \smb-*", ensure that you're connected to the Stanford VPN and try connecting again.